What can I do?
Volunteers are the lifeblood of this vibrant organisation.
Whether it is an art teacher helping develop creativity in the children or a trained health care worker assisting staff to be better qualified, each one is vital to the overall welfare of Siphila Sonke. Please consider giving an hour or more of your time weekly to assist in one or more ways:
Parcel delivery for beneficiaries (one morning/month)
Qualified bookkeeper and/or accountant
Sorting clothing donations
Soup making for beneficiaries
Writing newsletters
Art work
Computer skills
Event organisation
Parcel collection
If you are able to assist in any way please contact office@siphilasonke.org.za or call Gaynore on +27 (0)21 859 0001. We would love to hear from you.
What can I give
A financial Donation
If you would like to make a donation electronically, our bank details are as follows:
Siphila Sonke Outreach Programme
First National Bank, Grabouw
Bank Code: 200 312
Account Number: 62225640673
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ (for overseas donations)
Siphila Sonke is a Section 21 Non-Profit Organisation (NPO No. 074536) and a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO No. 930043672), thus your donation may be eligible for a tax break. Be assured that your donation will be put to good use – we keep our overheads to a minimum as we are fortunate that many of our volunteers help us with the administrative and business elements of Siphila Sonke which means we can spend most of our donations directly on our causes!
Donate toward a specific cause
Should you wish your donation to be used towards a specific cause, please let us know. Some suggestions are:
Admin Monthly Food parcels (R600/parcel/month)
Kid’s Club (materials and books)
Support Group materials